Due to some of our competitors advertising that their hubcaps "do not include center caps" and the many calls from customers concerned if our hubcaps and wheel covers do contain the center cap or logo, we thought we should address the problem.
If a hubcaps does not include the center cap or factory logo, then it is most likely a copy or replica. All of our hubcaps and wheel covers unless otherwise indicated are factory original and include any center caps, logos, and any needed retaining lug nut covers. All of our replacement factory hubcaps and wheel covers are the very same hubcaps and wheel covers that you currently have on your vehicle. The only exception are the replica cover and these will have the word "replica" printed plainly in the photo and in the description on the shopping cart page.
We here at Hubcap Heaven and Wheels feel it is important that you feel comfortable in ordering our product and know exactly what it is you are getting.
For more information and answers to many questions about hubcaps and wheels, please contact us. We are always happy to help.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week or,
9:00-5.30 M-F
9:00-3:00 Sat